Announcement in accordance with Article 22-1-2 of the Regulations Governing Loaning of Funds and Making of Endorsements/Guarantees by Public Companies.
1. Date of occurrence of the event: 2024/08/20
2. Funding recipient:
(1) Company name: Huzhou Anli Technology Co., Ltd.
(2) Relationship with the lending company: A subsidiary directly or indirectly
100% owned by the ultimate parent company.
(3) Loan limit (in NT thousands):920,476.
(4) Original loan balance (in NT thousands):0.
(5) New loan amount (in NT thousands):67,404.
(6) Is it part of a scheduled allocation or revolving limit for the same recipient
that the chairman is authorized by the board of directors to allocate: No.
(7) Outstanding balance (thousand NTD) up to the date of occurrence: 67,404.
(8) Reason for the new loan: Short-term capital turnover.
(1) Company name: Huzhou Anli Technology Co., Ltd.
(2) Relationship with the lending company: A subsidiary directly or indirectly
100% owned by the ultimate parent company.
(3) Loan limit (in NT thousands):920,476.
(4) Original loan balance (in NT thousands):67,404.
(5) New loan amount (in NT thousands): 89,872.
(6) Is it part of a scheduled allocation or revolving limit for the same recipient
that the chairman is authorized by the board of directors to allocate: No.
(7) Outstanding balance (thousand NTD) up to the date of occurrence: 157,276.
(8) Reason for the new loan: Capital turnover.
(1) Company name: Huzhou Anli Technology Co., Ltd.
(2) Relationship with the lending company: A subsidiary directly or indirectly
100% owned by the ultimate parent company.
(3) Loan limit (in NT thousands):781,837.
(4) Original loan balance (in NT thousands):157,276.
(5) New loan amount (in NT thousands):134,808.
(6) Is it part of a scheduled allocation or revolving limit for the same recipient
that the chairman is authorized by the board of directors to allocate: No.
(7) Outstanding balance (thousand NTD) up to the date of occurrence: 292,084.
(8) Reason for the new loan: Capital turnover.
3. For collaterals provided by the loan recipient:
(1) Content: None.
(2) Value (in NT thousands):0.
4. For the latest financial reports of the loan recipient:
(1) Capital (in NT thousands): 698,703.
(2) Cumulative gains/losses (in NT thousands):-36,663.
5. Method of calculation of interest: 4.9%
6. For repayment:
(1) Condition: Based on the operating conditions of the loan recipient, repayment
within the loan period.
(2) Date: Due in six months.
7. The amount of monetary loans extended to others as of the date of occurrence
(thousand NTD):292,084.
8. The total amount of monetary loans extended to others as a percentage of
the public company’s net worth on the latest financial statements as of the date
of occurrence:14.58%
9. Sources of funds for the company to extend monetary loans to others:
The subsidiary itself.
10. Any other matters that need to be specified:
(1) Kuanghe loaned RMB 30,000,000 to Huzhou Anli Technology Co., Ltd.
for three years at an interest rate of 4.0%.
(2) Xinli loaned RMB 30,000,000 to Huzhou Anli Technology Co., Ltd.
for three years at an interest rate of 4.25%.
(3) This time, Xinli loaned RMB 15,000,000 to Huzhou Anli Technology
Co., Ltd. for six months at an interest rate of 4.9%.
The exchange rate for the above transactions is based on RMB to
NTD at 4.4936.