2024 Monthly Revenue
(Unit: NT$ thousand)
Month | Currently month | Same month last year | Year-over-year change |
January | 123,597 | 122,373 | 1% |
February | 77,211 | 99,127 | -22.11% |
March | 122,532 | 115,790 | 5.82% |
April | 126,253 | 102,502 | 23.17% |
May | 148,543 | 119,660 | 24.14% |
June | 101,287 | 119,915 | -15.53% |
July | 158,017 | 138,671 | 13.95% |
August | 162,121 | 148,793 | 8.96% |
September | |||
October | |||
November | |||
December | |||
Accumulated in Current Year |
1,019,561 |
966,831 | 5.45% |
Note 1: The figures of 2024 are internal and unaudited by CPAs.
Note 2: In line with the amendments to laws and regulations issued by competent authority, the Company
only discloses the consolidated figures starting from January, 2013.